Copyright 2022 © Wessels & Liebau LLC. All Rights Reserved. This website is not intended to convey legal advice. Nothing in this website creates an attorney-client relationship. To contact our office, call 262-264-7702

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​ Ph: 262-264-7702

Response to COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions

Is your office open?

Yes, we are open during our usual business hours. Our employees work a combination of virtually and in-person, depending on a variety of factors. In order to monitor the number of people coming and going at any time, we do ask that clients or potential clients call ahead to schedule a time to speak with us in person, or to drop off documents, instead of simply dropping by.  If you have called ahead, just ring our doorbell when you get to the office and someone will be out to greet you. Our phone is answered during normal business hours. 

Can I schedule a virtual meeting instead of in-person?
Of course you can! One thing we have learned through COVID so far is that many of our client love the opportunity to meet virtually instead of coming into the office. Why add the commute time when you can log in from home? We can easily set up a virtual or phone meeting if that is your preference.

We also offer in-person meetings, and sometimes it is necessary to meet in person if paperwork needs to be signed or for other reasons. Our staff is fully vaccinated. We also have some flexibility to do home visits or facility visits if that is needed. Because so many of our clients are in the "high risk" categories, we continue to take necessary precautions to keep everyone safe. Talk to our intake staff for more details. 

Do I need to wear a mask?

We follow the current CDC guidance regarding masks. Since this has been changing, please check with our intake staff for the policy that will apply when we meet with you. 

Will court be in person or virtually?

That depends on the court, the type of case, and the type of hearing. As of June, 2021, some local courts are back in-person, while other courts will continue to be virtual until further notice. Most courts are offering a hybrid of options. We will let you know what to expect if you retain us to work on a case involving court such as a guardianship, a probate, or a fiduciary litigation case. 

Our goals are to continue to provide outstanding legal work while also keeping us all safe. 

Will COVID 19 payments affect my federal benefits? Watch here.